№40 碇(いかり)神社のソメイヨシノ in ヒロシマ
A-bombed Cherry tree in HIROSHIMA

▼樹高:9m/幹周り: 1.45m
≪DATA of A-Bombed Trees≫
Cherry tree/The Ikari-jinja Shrine
1,800m from the hypocenter
botanical name:Cerasus x yedoensis 'Somei-yoshino'
age: 73 years old over
height:9 m
address:12-20 Hakushima Kyuken-cho Naka-ku,Hiroshima city
This tree survived the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, about 1800m from the hypocenter.
At 8:15 a.m, August 6,1945,Hiroshima was burned by the blazing heat of the atomic bomb. It had been rumored that"nothing will grow in Hiroshima for 70 years".so when people saw new buds sprouting,they were encouraged and were able to have hope for their future. It is alive! The spring in 1946, this cherry blossom bloomed.Now it blooming too every spring.
★Let's go to see this tree !
About 10 minute walk from the Hakushima station. There is other A-bombed trees, including a Tabunoki. There is a camellia and a Linden tree in the nearly temple(Houshou-ji temple/№42).